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Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Nieto López, Martha Guadalupe y Maldonado Muñiz, Maribel y Villarreal Cavazos, David Alonso y Tapia Salazar, Mireya y Cruz Suárez, Lucía Elizabeth (2020) Comparing the assimilation of dietary nitrogen supplied by animal-, plant- and microbial-derived ingredients in Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei: A stable isotope study. Aquaculture reports, 17. p. 100294. ISSN 2352-5134

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Morales Navarro, Yonatan Izahí y Nieto López, Martha Guadalupe y Villarreal Cavazos, David Alonso y Cruz Suárez, Lucía Elizabeth (2019) Assimilation of dietary nitrogen supplied by fish meal and microalgal biomass from Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) and Nannochloropsis oculata in shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei fed compound diets. Journal of Applied Phycology, 31 (4). pp. 2379-2389. ISSN 0921-8971

García Pérez, Oscar Daniel y Cruz, Julio y Ramirez, Carlos y Villarreal, David y Gamboa Delgado, Julián (2018) Exploring the contribution of dietary protein from poultry by product meal and fish meal to the growth of catfish Ictalurus punctatus by means of nitrogen stable isotopes. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 46 (1). pp. 37-44. ISSN 0718560X

Gamboa Delgado, Julián (2018) Las técnicas isotópicas y sus recientes aplicaciones en las ciencias biológicas. Biología y sociedad, 1 (2). pp. 99-107.

García Pérez, Oscar Daniel y Cruz Valdez, Julio César y Ramírez Martínez, Carlos y Villarreal Cavazos, David Alonso y Gamboa Delgado, Julián (2018) Exploring the contribution of dietary protein from poultry by-product meal and fish meal to the growth of catfish Ictalurus punctatus by means of nitrogen stable isotopes. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 46 (1). pp. 37-44. ISSN 0718-560X

Pacheco, Juan y Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Alvarado, Ángel y Nieto López, Martha Guadalupe y Tapia, Mireya y Cruz, Lucia (2018) Nutritional contribution of fish meal and microalgal biomass produced from two endemic microalgae to the growth of shrimp Penaeus vannamei. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 46 (1). pp. 53-62. ISSN 0718560X

Villarreal Cavazos, David Alonso y Cruz Suárez, Lucía Elizabeth y Tapia Salazar, Mireya y Nieto López, Martha Guadalupe y Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Lemme, Andreas y Ricque Marie, Denis (2017) Efecto de la lixiviación de heces sobre los coeficientes de digestibilidad aparente en camarón blanco del Pacífico (Litopenaeus vannamei ) = Effect of feces leaching on apparent digestibility coefficients of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Hidrobiológica, 27 (3). pp. 353-357. ISSN 0188-8897

Villarreal Cavazos, David Alonso y Cruz Suárez, Lucía Elizabeth y Tapia Salazar, Mireya y Nieto López, Martha Guadalupe y Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Lemme, Andreas y Ricque Marie, Denis (2017) Efecto de la lixiviación de heces sobre los coeficientes de digestibilidad aparente en camarón blanco del Pacífico (Litopenaeus vannamei). Hidrobiológica, 27 (3). pp. 353-357. ISSN 0188-8897

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Fernández Díaz, Benigno y Nieto López, Martha Guadalupe y Cruz Suárez, Lucía Elizabeth (2016) Nutritional contribution of torula yeast and fish meal to the growth of shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei as indicated by natural nitrogen stable isotopes. Aquaculture, 453. pp. 116-121. ISSN 00448486

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Fernández Díaz, Benigno y Nieto López, Martha Guadalupe y Cruz Suárez, Lucía Elizabeth (2016) Nutritional contribution of torula yeast and fish meal to the growth of shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei as indicated by natural nitrogen stable isotopes. Aquaculture, 453. pp. 116-121. ISSN 00448486

Villarreal Cavazos, David Alonso y Ricque Marie, Denis y Peña Rodríguez, Alberto y Nieto López, Martha Guadalupe y Tapia Salazar, Mireya y Lemme, Andreas y Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Cruz Suárez, Lucía Elizabeth (2014) Apparent digestibility of dry matter, crude protein, and amino acids of six rendered by-products in juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei. Ciencias marinas, 40 (3). pp. 163-172. ISSN 0185-3880

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Molina Poveda, César y Godínez Siordia, Daniel Enrique y Villarreal Cavazos, David Alonso y Ricque Marie, Denis y Cruz Suárez, Lucía Elizabeth (2014) Application of stable isotope analysis to differentiate shrimp extracted by industrial fishing or produced through aquaculture practices. Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences, 71 (10). pp. 1520-1528. ISSN 0706-652X

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Molina Poveda, César y Godínez Siordia, Daniel Enrique y Villarreal Cavazos, David Alonso y Ricque Marie, Denis y Cruz Suárez, Lucía Elizabeth (2014) Application of stable isotope analysis to differentiate shrimp extracted by industrial fishing or produced through aquaculture practices. Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences, 71. pp. 1520-1528. ISSN 0706-652X

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Castañeda Solís, Juan de Dios y Nieto López, Martha Guadalupe y Villarreal Cavazos, David Alonso y Cruz Suárez, Lucía Elizabeth (2014) Isotopic Evaluation of the Nutritional Contribution of Poultry By-product Meal and Fish Meal to the Growth of Pacific White Shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 45 (4). pp. 430-438. ISSN 1749-7345

Gamboa Delgado, Julián (2014) Nutritional role of the natural productivity and formulated feed in semi-intensive shrimp farming as indicated by natural stable isotopes. Reviews in Aquaculture, 6. pp. 36-47. ISSN 1753-5131

Gamboa Delgado, Julián (2013) Application of isotopic techniques to assess the nutritional performance of macroalgae in feeding regimes for shrimp. International Aquafeed, 16 (3). pp. 19-23. ISSN 1464-0058

Martínez Rocha, Luis y Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Nieto López, Martha Guadalupe y Ricque Marie, Denis y Cruz Suárez, Lucía Elizabeth (2013) Incorporation of dietary nitrogen from fish meal and pea meal ( Pisum sativum ) in muscle tissue of Pacific white shrimp ( Litopenaeus vannamei ) fed low protein compound diets. Aquaculture research, 44. pp. 847-859. ISSN 1365-2109

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Rojas Casas, Mónica G. y Nieto López, Martha Guadalupe y Cruz Suárez, Lucía Elizabeth (2013) Simultaneous estimation of the nutritional contribution of fish meal, soy protein isolate and corn gluten to the growth of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) using dual stable isotope analysis. Aquaculture, 380. pp. 33-40. ISSN 0044-8486

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Casas Rojas, Monica Guadalupe y Nieto López, Martha Guadalupe y Cruz Suárez, Lucía Elizabeth (2012) Simultaneous estimation of the nutritional contribution of fish meal, soy protein isolate and corn gluten to the growth of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) using dual stable isotope analysis. Aquaculture, 380. pp. 33-40. ISSN 0044-8486

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Peña Rodríguez, Alberto y Ricque Marie, Denis y Cruz Suárez, Lucía Elizabeth (2011) Assessment of nutrient allocation and metabolic turnover rate in Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei co-fed live macroalgae Ulva clathrata and inert feed: dual stable isotope analysis. Journal of Shellfish Research, 30 (3). pp. 969-978. ISSN 0730-8000

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Peña Rodríguez, Alberto y Ricque Marie, Denis y Cruz Suárez, Lucía Elizabeth (2011) Assessment of Nutrient Allocation and Metabolic Turnover Rate in Pacific White ShrimpLitopenaeus vannameiCo-Fed Live MacroalgaeUlva clathrataand Inert Feed: Dual Stable Isotope Analysis. Journal of Shellfish Research, 30 (3). pp. 969-978. ISSN 0730-8000

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Le Vay, Lewis y Fernández Díaz, Catalina y Cañavate, José Pedro y Ponce, Marian y Zerolo, Ricardo y Manchado, Manuel (2011) Effect of different diets on proteolytic enzyme activity, trypsinogen gene expression and dietary carbon assimilation in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) larvae. Comparative biochemistry and physiology Part B: biochemistry and molecular biology, 158 (4). pp. 251-258. ISSN 1096-4959

Le Vay, Lewis y Gamboa Delgado, Julián (2011) Naturally-occurring stable isotopes as direct measures of larval feeding efficiency, nutrient incorporation and turnover. Aquaculture, 315 (1-2). pp. 95-103. ISSN 00448486

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Le Vay, Lewis (2009) Artemia replacement in co-feeding regimes for mysis and postlarval stages of Litopenaeus vannamei: Nutritional contribution of inert diets to tissue growth as indicated by natural carbon stable isotopes. Aquaculture, 297 (1-4). pp. 128-135. ISSN 00448486

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Le Vay, Lewis (2009) Artemia replacement in co-feeding regimes for mysis and postlarval stages of Litopenaeus vannamei: Nutritional contribution of inert diets to tissue growth as indicated by natural carbon stable isotopes. Aquaculture, 297 (1-4). pp. 128-135. ISSN 00448486

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Le Vay, Lewis (2009) Natural stable isotopes as indicators of the relative contribution of soy protein and fish meal to tissue growth in Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) fed compound diets. Aquaculture, 291 (1-2). p. 115. ISSN 00448486

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Le Vay, Lewis (2009) Natural stable isotopes as indicators of the relative contribution of soy protein and fish meal to tissue growth in Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) fed compound diets. Aquaculture, 291 (1-2). pp. 115-123. ISSN 00448486

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Cañavate, José Pedro y Zerolo, Ricardo y Le Vay, Lewis (2008) Natural carbon stable isotope ratios as indicators of the relative contribution of live and inert diets to growth in larval Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis). Aquaculture, 280 (1-4). pp. 190-197. ISSN 00448486

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Molina Poveda, César y Cahu, Chantal (2003) Digestive enzyme activity and food ingesta in juvenile shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) as a function of body weight. Aquaculture research, 34 (15). pp. 1403-1411. ISSN 1365-2109

Sección de libro.

Gamboa Delgado, Julián (2012) Economically important marine larvae: Aquaculture production and larval rearing. In: Larvae: Morphology, Biology and Life Cycle. Animal Science, Issues and Professions, 1 . Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY, USA. ISBN 978-161-942-662-7 (Por publicarse)

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Peña Rodríguez, Alberto y Martínez Rocha, Luis y Villarreal Cavazos, David Alonso y Nieto López, Martha Guadalupe y Tapia Salazar, Mireya y Ricque Marie, Denis y Cruz Suárez, Lucía Elizabeth y Le Vay, Lewis y Fernández Díaz, Catalina y Cañavate, José Pedro y Ponce, Marian y Zerolo, Ricardo y Manchado, Manuel (2011) Recent advances in the application of stable isotopes as nutritional tools in aquaculture. In: Avances en Nutrición Acuícola XI - Memorias del Décimo Primer Simposio Internacional de Nutrición Acuícola. Avances en Nutrición Acuícola, XI (1). Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, México, pp. 373-392. ISBN 978-607-433-775-4

Gamboa Delgado, Julián (2010) Isótopos estables como trazadores nutricionales naturales en larvas y juveniles de Litopenaeus vannamei y Solea senegalensis. In: Avances en Nutrición Acuícola X - Memorias del X Simposio Internacional de Nutrición Acuícola. Avances en Nutrición Acuícola, X (1). Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, México, pp. 620-667. ISBN 978-607-433-546-0

Conferencia o artículo de un taller.

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Villarreal Cavazos, David Alonso y Nieto López, Martha Guadalupe y Tapia Salazar, Mireya y Peña Rodríguez, Alberto y Ricque Marie, Denis y Cruz Suárez, Lucía Elizabeth (2011) La importancia nutricional de la productividad natural en operaciones de pre-cría y engorda de camarón indicada mediante isótopos estables. In: Primer Seminario Latinoamericano de Producción de Camarón, 15-17 Noviembre 2011, Antigua, Guatemala.

Conjunto de datos.

Gamboa Delgado, Julián y Sánchez Díaz, Ricardo (2024) Dual isotopic values and elemental concentrations (C & N) determined in muscle tissue of farmed (F) and wild (W) Totoaba macdonaldi. [Conjunto de datos.] (Sin publicar)

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